COHAB.SPACE is so excited to be launching West End Night Market, a congregation of fine art vendors, craftsmen, artisans, food entrepreneurs, and music from all over the world!
If you have a high-end product or dish you would like to vend, we encourage you to follow the instructions to apply on the next slide!
The West End Night Market will have its inception as part of @highpointmarket where we will transform our outdoor garden into a beautiful world street fair, complete with gorgeous tents, textiles, tastes and sounds for everyone!
We will have nightly music entertainment and many other interactive activities for you to enjoy!
So mark your calendars now & stay tuned on our page for updates!
At the core of musical creativity is the simple, unending urge for exploration and discovery. It’s being able to hold onto your childlike wonder and eternal curiosity, all of which lies at the start of any new chapter of melodic space to inhabit. For singer/keyboardist Joe May, it’s being able to balance a deep passion for record producing and live music improvisation, both encompassing the magic of one’s own natural talents and fearlessness to experiment — onstage and in the studio.
Though most folks recognize May from his work behind the keys for rising Charlotte, North Carolina, jam/funk outfit Pluto Gang, May’s debut solo album, “No Party By That Name,” conjures the deep, fundamental influences he regards with awe and perspective. With “No Party By That Name” soon to be released, May is already hard at work on the follow up, this well of inspiration currently overflowing from his heart and soul, through his fingertips and onto the keyboard.