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Sat Jun 14



Reminiscent of a young Taylor Swift, Kanin hails from a small town and began her musical journey at a very young age. Her talent was quickly recognized at the age of twelve when one of her first songs was added to the Pure Michigan Tourism Campaign. With a passion for music ingrained in her from an early age, Kanin has since mesmerized audiences with her soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics.

Her journey truly took off during her junior year of high school when a consultant suggested the idea of a tribute to Taylor Swift. Despite her initial hesitation, Kanin was pleasantly surprised when the venues where she had previously performed showed interest in booking her for the tribute. This marked a turning point in her musical career.

In 2024, Kanin’s musical prowess led her to sell-out amphitheaters, perform at numerous summer music series, entertain audiences at performing arts centers, fairs, and established music venues across 15 states. This remarkable journey has solidified Kanin’s place as a rising star in the music industry.

Through hard work and dedication, Kanin Wren has transformed from a young girl with a guitar into a charismatic performer, enchanting audiences with her powerful vocals and authentic storytelling. Her musical journey has been characterized by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a deep connection with her craft.

In 2025, as Kanin embarks on her third year sharing her “Taylor Swift Experience,” she is poised to release her highly anticipated debut album while also preparing to attend the prestigious University of Michigan. This pivotal year marks a significant milestone in Kanin’s blossoming career, setting the stage for even greater achievements on the horizon.

Imagine the harmonies of Sabrina Carpenter, Gracie Adams, and Taylor Swift all converging in one room—that’s the enchanting magic Kanin brings to the stage. Whether she’s serenading an intimate audience or commanding the attention of thousands, Kanin possesses a rare ability to captivate her listeners and leave them spellbound by her undeniable talent.

Experience firsthand the emergence of a star as Kanin shares her intimate and powerful performances that will undoubtedly leave you feeling as though you’ve just witnessed something truly extraordinary. Join her on this remarkable journey as she continues to inspire and uplift audiences with her remarkable music and undeniable passion.


Food truck

Taco Bros –


June 14
6:30 pm - 11:00 pm
Event Categories:


– Ziggys


1547 West English Road
High Point, NC 27262 United States
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